Monday, March 28, 2011

What Do You Know?

My Paper Heart by Francesca Battistelli

This might be a touchy post. But it's one that I feel that I shuold write. This is a blog about thoughts and opinions and my walk with the Lord. I call it like I see it.

From time to time, we come across people who we feel just don't know what it's like to be us. When I say us, I mean those of us that walked away from our faith a time or two and are now trying to get back to it. It's almost like hearing someone say "I don't want to go to that counselor because they have never experienced what I have so what do they know?"

I won't lie here, I do look at people that have lived a life of faith all ALL of their lives and think, "what do you know?" I mean, I've been married and divorced more than once. I've danced with the devil. I've traveled. I spent time in the military. I've seen death and despair. I've experienced life. Does that make me better or worse than someone else, no it doesn't. But to those that have never really left all that they have ever known to experience life outside of their faith and have always just "known" God and his graces, I think "what do you know?"

I mean sure, you can tell me about all of his grace and his blessings and why you think I should follow the Lord and you can even show me scriptures and tell me stories, but really "what do you know?" Do you know what it's like to not believe? Do you know what it's like to live without his grace? Are you more Christ like than I am because I stumbled?

These are true questions and concerns for many Christians who have stumbled along the way and find themselves faced with people who have never truly fallen down in their walk with Christ. The judgemental self righteous attitudes tend to push people away. It's hard to be told that you are wrong for having a glass of wine or going to a bar to watch a football game or watch movies or listen to music that might not be "Christianlike". Be cautious with those that are unsure.

Be on fire for Christ but don't burn others by making them stand too close to the flame before they are ready.

Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer. Romans 12:12

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